Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Now That the Easy Part is Over

Just kidding! Tell that to a woman (or maybe not) just after labor and see what response you get. The birth pains of "detoxing" from previous ministries or models or comfort zones or hurts or . . . are not easy. The labor of birthing new concepts, thinking of how to "penetrate lostness" in your context, and formulating next steps is not easy either. Neither is gaining clarity on God's call and either stepping off the diving board in faith (like our folk hero "Bean") or putting on the brakes to wait and learn some things first.

But in some ways the labor pains - though intense - subside rather quickly and may be easier than the years of parenting and investing and caring and hurting and encouraging that are to come (I've had two kidney stones, and one of the nurses told me it was similar to labor, so I have some background here). So the hard part really may be in front of us - actually doing this thing that is in our heads and God's heart! But it is also the most rewarding and wonderful part, even when it's hard!

I enjoyed our time together last week. I encourage each of you to pursue the things God shared with you and do the hard things that have great reward for THE Kingdom. Give God room to show you your city; to keep you up at night wondering how to help every man, woman, and child see and hear the Good News of Jesus. Pour yourself out, not just to plant and grow a church, but to engage in transformation - in the people you see far from God, in your community, in your world!

Everyone should have a follow-up appointment with a coach. If not, please let me know at the email address to the right. Work on developing your mileposts and scorecards before things get "old" from our time together!

Let me know how I can help you, as we engage in changing the "landscape" for friends, communities, and nations.

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