Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Now That the Easy Part is Over

Just kidding! Tell that to a woman (or maybe not) just after labor and see what response you get. The birth pains of "detoxing" from previous ministries or models or comfort zones or hurts or . . . are not easy. The labor of birthing new concepts, thinking of how to "penetrate lostness" in your context, and formulating next steps is not easy either. Neither is gaining clarity on God's call and either stepping off the diving board in faith (like our folk hero "Bean") or putting on the brakes to wait and learn some things first.

But in some ways the labor pains - though intense - subside rather quickly and may be easier than the years of parenting and investing and caring and hurting and encouraging that are to come (I've had two kidney stones, and one of the nurses told me it was similar to labor, so I have some background here). So the hard part really may be in front of us - actually doing this thing that is in our heads and God's heart! But it is also the most rewarding and wonderful part, even when it's hard!

I enjoyed our time together last week. I encourage each of you to pursue the things God shared with you and do the hard things that have great reward for THE Kingdom. Give God room to show you your city; to keep you up at night wondering how to help every man, woman, and child see and hear the Good News of Jesus. Pour yourself out, not just to plant and grow a church, but to engage in transformation - in the people you see far from God, in your community, in your world!

Everyone should have a follow-up appointment with a coach. If not, please let me know at the email address to the right. Work on developing your mileposts and scorecards before things get "old" from our time together!

Let me know how I can help you, as we engage in changing the "landscape" for friends, communities, and nations.

Monday, August 27, 2007

One Week Later

A week ago your were getting your feet wet, listening to Neal talk about your team. So, one week after, give us some feedback.

How has your thinking changed from a week ago?

What action steps have you taken since last week?

Email me - dinosenesi@scbaptist.org

Great week, btw. You all were a blessing from God to us. Leading you helped us learn!

In Christ

II Chron. 7:14

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Day 3 - Session 7

Bryan Plyler, planter of The River church in Lugoff/Camden shared his Church Planting Experience after lunch http://www.riverchurchonline.com/ . Bryan told how his approach to church planting evolved as a result of his first attempted church plant in Florence.His relationship with North Rock Hill Church provided a new picture of investing in people far from God. The stories of life change at The River were amazing.

After a brief panel discussion with Bryan, John, Neal, and Chris ICPT 807 moved to presentations of disciplemaking systems. Each group shared progress to date and prayed for each other.

Vision Carolina is being caught. Imagine North and South Carolina being the next states where the per capita rate of Christians would grow. How would things be different? Could God deploy people who will be a part of a movement? Could the result be spiritual re-landscaping that would touch the nations?

Day 3 - Session 6

John and Jackie Waters set the pace for ICPT 807 with a challenge to look to the harvest. Then it was off to systems design! The birthing process is normally gets uncomfortable here. Planters attempted to design a system that will move people from "madmen to missionaries."

Neal talked about scorecards and mileposts. Dino highlighted the latest "survivability study" that produced information about new churches that make it. Kermit addressed Natural Church Development, a church health evaluation tool. New churches will be contacted by Kermit 12-18 months after launch. Thirty key leaders and the pastor will complete a survey that will help measure congregational heath.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Day 2- Session 5

Chris and Jason took a wrong turn on their road trip. Chris has missed his calling, no question. LOL funny! Great time of prayer for each other, worship, and a challenge from the Word.

Remember, you are the only light the world has! Here is a review of three simple ways, direct from the heart and prayer life of Jesus (John 17), that He intended for Christianity to be exposed:

1. Intimacy (21,24)

What are ways you can cultivate intimacy with God?

I sense God most when ___________________________

The greatest obstacle to my intimacy with God is _________________________

In the past, I have grown the most when______________________________

2. Unity (21-22)

What steps can you take to promote unity in the body of Christ?

How will this fit in your core development plan?

3. Love (23-26)

What are good ways to respond to people not like you?

How can you communicate the love of God to people who think Christians "hate" them?

Day 2 - Session 4

Eddie Cox shared the Marathon Community Church story (http://www.marathonchurch.org/). Marathon, from day #1, has "pulled out all the stops" to make friends with people far from God. From rebating the cost of members lunches with lost people, to giving away popcorn at movies theaters, to picking up tabs at Ryan's Steakhouse, the DNA of Marathon was set. Marathon placed a high value on relationships with people who need Jesus.

Eddie Cox quotes:

"If you don't love who are in the seats, they will not come back . . . no matter if you are traditional or contemporary."

"Your core group has to think 'Sunday morning isn't for me.' "

"People are dying and going to hell, we can't get used to what we are doing."

Neal and Chris unpacked four ways Jesus connected with lostness. Relational networks were illustrated as movement makers considered ways they could help God find people.

Day 2 - Session 3

Today will look different then yesterday. The CMG training team concluded we pushed a bit to hard on Monday in past ICPTs. Our group of 10 movement makers had to change gears to leave their current realities to dream about God's future for them. Kids, jobs, and current church assignments were left behind.

Neal and Chris www.northrockhill.com will be the main presenters today. John www.northpointonline.og and Kermit will have a role. Time to put the marker to the paper. God has a mission inside your hearts. Let's take look at it together!

Eddie Cox, pastor/planter from Marathon Community Church in Easley, S.C. will be our "Church Planter Experience" guest this morning. He has great passion for lost people and church planters. He and a team planted Marathon over 10 years ago. The church has grown to over 3000 in weekend attendance -- but even more, they are focused on the community and the world.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Day 1 - Session 2

You will plant out of who you are! God has been working a life time to prepare you for now. Look back and see what He has done to shape you. Kermit introduced place as a tool that will build self, team, and church body awareness:
http://www.scmultiply.org/ will help guide you to the right places for FREE STUFF!!!

"DNA has to be set in you . . . you define expectations by exampling them," Neal said, in the afternoon session. Neal included four important DNA areas to be addressed:

1. Who do we need on the team?
2. Who are we NOT going to be?
3. What experiences does our core group need before launch?
4. What are the expectations of the core team?

Have you ever thought about planting a church on the west side of Spartanburg? Hub and Brenda Blankenship shared their church planting story. Hub and Brenda planted Spartanburg Community Church 11 years ago: http://www.spartanburgcommunitychurch.com/ . The God moments in the call process were amazing.

Hub and Brenda spent time in mens' only and ladies' only groups sharing about family pressures and expectations along the church planting journey.

Day 1 - Session 1

The foundation was laid by Dino www.dinosenesi.blogspot.com and Neal. The mantra was "not another cool church, please!" How about a church that is focused on the eternal? Missionary planters and movement makers who think past style preferences and short term stuff. A movement maker doesn't actually make the movement, but they prepare the environment with expectancy for God to do something only He could do, change a person, community, nation, and world!