Monday, August 20, 2007

Day 1 - Session 2

You will plant out of who you are! God has been working a life time to prepare you for now. Look back and see what He has done to shape you. Kermit introduced place as a tool that will build self, team, and church body awareness: will help guide you to the right places for FREE STUFF!!!

"DNA has to be set in you . . . you define expectations by exampling them," Neal said, in the afternoon session. Neal included four important DNA areas to be addressed:

1. Who do we need on the team?
2. Who are we NOT going to be?
3. What experiences does our core group need before launch?
4. What are the expectations of the core team?

Have you ever thought about planting a church on the west side of Spartanburg? Hub and Brenda Blankenship shared their church planting story. Hub and Brenda planted Spartanburg Community Church 11 years ago: . The God moments in the call process were amazing.

Hub and Brenda spent time in mens' only and ladies' only groups sharing about family pressures and expectations along the church planting journey.

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