Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Day 2 - Session 4

Eddie Cox shared the Marathon Community Church story (http://www.marathonchurch.org/). Marathon, from day #1, has "pulled out all the stops" to make friends with people far from God. From rebating the cost of members lunches with lost people, to giving away popcorn at movies theaters, to picking up tabs at Ryan's Steakhouse, the DNA of Marathon was set. Marathon placed a high value on relationships with people who need Jesus.

Eddie Cox quotes:

"If you don't love who are in the seats, they will not come back . . . no matter if you are traditional or contemporary."

"Your core group has to think 'Sunday morning isn't for me.' "

"People are dying and going to hell, we can't get used to what we are doing."

Neal and Chris unpacked four ways Jesus connected with lostness. Relational networks were illustrated as movement makers considered ways they could help God find people.

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